Heme Biorepository
the below information is for UCI practitioners, if you are a patient and would like information on our hematologic malignancies biorepository, please click here
The Hematologic Malignancy Biorepository is a resource for UCI investigators to study hematologic malignancies. Our goal is to bank a portion of all bone marrow biopsies performed at UCI. If you are going to perform a bone marrow biopsy, please follow the below instructions:
Take a packet containing consent form, heparin tube (green top), and instructions for courier. These are in plastic ziplock bags in the Team O workroom.
Consent Patient: Both the consent and the HIPAA form must be signed by the patient. There are both paper and online options:
Paper Consent: Both forms are stapled together as a single document with tabs instructing where the patient should initial or sign. If there are no packets available, please print more out here. For a Spanish version print more out here. Please put at least one patient ID sticker on the consent form. If possible, make a copy of the consent form and put it in the chart. Keep the original in the bag.
Online Consent: This is an online version of the consent form that the patient can do on their own device, no paper is necessary.
Click here for a link to a flyer that you can print and give to the patient which includes information about the heme biobank and a QR code for the online consent. The patient will be emailed a copy of their consent form. The online consent can also be found here - https://uci.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_88MLqAfHnTg5NIx, or the QR code is below.
Obtain Sample: Bring the entire packet with you to the biopsy (consent, tube, bag). Give the entire packet to the BM bx tech before you begin the biopsy and tell them it is for the heme biobank.
The tech will place 1-3 ml of aspirate in the green top heparin tube.
After the biopsy, put the tube of aspirate in the inner bag (with an ID sticker) and place everything (aspirate, consent) into the ziplock bag.
The packets should have an address label on it. If not, please print out more here, or write the following information on the bag:
Apollo Courier Route #2
Please deliver to:
Experimental Tissue Resource
Edwards Lab, D426D
Med Sci I, Irvine Campus
If questions, call 949-824-4144 or503-481-3085
Monday - Thursday: The BM tech will take the ENTIRE PACKET and place it in the Route #2 bin in the lab.
Friday - Sunday: The practitioner performing the biopsy will text/call Angela Fleischman at 503-481-3075 to arrange delivery.
Questions or suggestions? Please contact PI Angela Fleischman (agf@uci.edu, 503-481-3075)
Flyer to give patients with QR code for online consent
Heme Biorepository Consent and HIPAA Forms