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839 Health Sciences Rd, Sprague Hall
Irvine, CA 92697


The Angela Fleischman lab at UC Irvine is dedicated to understanding the pathogenesis of myeloproliferative neoplasms  (MPN or MPD) which includes polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, myelofibrosis). Our focus is on the role of inflammation in MPN.

Lab Alumni

Graduate Students:

Laura Mendez, MD, PhD - Graduated 2021 - now a Research Coordinator at the Institute of Health Services

Betty Lai, PhD - Graduated 2021 - now an Assistant Professor at Riverside Community College

Brianna Craver, PhD - Graduated 2021 - now a Postdoctoral Fellow at USC

Stefan Brooks, PhD - Graduated 2020 - now a Technical Advisor at Rutan & Tucker, LLP

Visiting Scholars:

Sang Mee Huang, MD, PhD - returning to being a Clinical Professor at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital

Kenza El Alaoui, MD - now a resident in Brussels, Belgium

Postdoctoral Scholars:

Eduard Mas Marin, PharmD, PhD - now at the UOC Open University of Catalonia

Gaja Ramanathan, PhD - now at Abbivie

Thanh Kim Nguyen, PhD - now at Kite Pharma


Tiffany Trieu - now in medical school at UC Riverside

Jane Chen - - now in graduate school at USC

Aaron Huang - now in medical school at Albany Medical College

Matthew Nguyen - now in medical school at Touro

Hellen Nguyen - now in medical school at Western University

Sarah Morse - now working at UC Davis

Daniel Kim - now in medical school at UCSF

Rotating PhD students:

Fiona Law

Harpreet Singh

Anastasia Ionkina

Quy Nguyen

Athena Papasodero

Jessica Flesher

Bob Lin

Tuyen Nguyen

Melanie Studzinski

Undergraduate Students:

Zifeng Li

Yeowon Jung

Jianhong Heidmann

Helen Huang

Dennis Jing

Jared Agagas

Kevin Arango

Tiffany Trieu

Jane Chen

Nitya Mehrotra

Harleen Mehrok

Christy Huynh

Cathleen Nguyen

William Zhao

Deepicka Mehta

Yannie Ho

High School Students:

Christine Tehrani - 2024 UCI CRI Youth Science Fellowship Program

Aanya Amin - 2023 UCI CRI Youth Science Fellowship Program

Anaya Qamar

Lauren Chen - 2022 UCI CRI Youth Science Fellowship Program

Celine Tran - 2017 UCI CRI Youth Science Fellowship Program

Nitya Mehrotra - 2017 UCI CRI Youth Science Fellowship Program

Yu Heng Cheng - 2016 UCI CRI Youth Science Fellowship Program

Adithi Iyer