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839 Health Sciences Rd, Sprague Hall
Irvine, CA 92697


The Angela Fleischman lab at UC Irvine is dedicated to understanding the pathogenesis of myeloproliferative neoplasms  (MPN or MPD) which includes polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, myelofibrosis). Our focus is on the role of inflammation in MPN.



Eshika is a fourth-year Biomedical Engineering major interested in joining the medical field after graduation. In dedication to her brother Eshan, she joined the lab in Summer 2023 to learn more about hematological malignancies. She is excited to work with the team and contribute to novel discoveries about MPN by expanding her knowledge of JAK mutations in hematopoietic stem cells, biological research, and hematology oncology.


Krista is a third-year Biological Science major and Medical humanities minor hoping to become a PA-C in her near future. She joined the lab Winter 2023 in hopes to enhance findings and research involving oncology. She became super passionate about the field of oncology when she started volunteering at St.Jude’s Infusion Center and formed deep connections with several patients and nurses. She is excited to work with the lab in discovering more about the intricacies of MPN that can directly be applied to healthcare to improve the lives of many.


Aaliyah joined the lab in the Spring of 2024 and is a second-year Biological Sciences major.  Her primary interest is cancer biology and hematology. Aaliyah is eager to expand her knowledge and gain hands-on experience in the lab where she hopes to contribute to innovative research that advances our understanding of MPN.