Craver BM, Ramanathan G, Hoang S, Chang X, Mendez Luque LF, Brooks S, Lai HY, Fleischman AG; N-acetylcysteine inhibits thrombosis in a murine model of myeloproliferative neoplasm. Blood Adv 2020; 4 (2): 312–321.
Craver BM, Nguyen TK, Nguyen J, Nguyen H, Huynh C, Morse SJ, Fleischman AG. The SMAC mimetic LCL-161 selectively targets JAK2V617F mutant cells. Exp Hematol Oncol. 2020;9:1.
Mendez Luque, L. F., Blackmon, A. L., Ramanathan, G., & Fleischman, A. G. (2019). Key Role of Inflammation in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: Instigator of Disease Initiation, Progression. and Symptoms. Current hematologic malignancy reports, 14(3), 145–153.
Brooks, S. A., Kim, D. M., Morse, S. J., Nguyen, Q. H., Craver, B. M., Lai, H. Y., & Fleischman, A. G. (2019). Upregulation of endogenous thrombopoietin receptor (MPL) with in vivo passage of calreticulin (CALR) mutant Ba/F3 cells, highlighting MPL as the requisite cytokine receptor for CALR mediated transformation. Leukemia research, 82, 11–14.
Lai HY, Brooks S, Craver B, Morse SJ, Nguyen TK, Haghighi N, Garbati MR, Fleischman AG. Defective Negative Regulation of Toll-like Receptor Signaling Contributes to Excessive TNF-α Production in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm. Blood Advances, 2019 Jan 22;3(2):122-131. PMID: 30647074
Zhang J, Fleischman AG, Wodarz D, Komarova NL. Determining the role of inflammation in the selection of JAK2 mutant cells in myeloproliferative neoplasms. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2017 May 10;425:43-52. PMID: 28501635
Fleischman AG, Nguyen TK, Morse SJ. Transduction-transplantation mouse model of myeloproliferative neoplasm. Journal of Visual Experiments, 2016 Dec 22;(118). PMID: 28060252.
Brooks SA, Luty SB, Lai HY, Morse SJ, Nguyen TK, Royer LR, Agarwal A, Druker BJ, Fleischman AG. JAK2(V617I) results in cytokine hypersensitivity without causing an overt myeloproliferative disorder in a mouse transduction-transplantation model. Experimental Hematology, 2016 Jan;44(1):24-29. PMID: 26458983
Fleischman AG. Inflammation as a Driver of Clonal Evolution in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm. Mediators of Inflammation, 2015, 606819. PMID: 26538830
Fleischman AG, Tyner JW. Causal role for JAK2V617F in thrombosis. Blood, 2013 Nov 28;122(23):3705-6. PMID: 24288407
Fleischman AG, Maxson JE, Luty SB, Agarwal A, Royer LR, Abel ML, Macmaniman JD, Loriaux MM, Druker BJ, Tyner JW. The CSF3R T618I mutation causes a lethal neutrophilic neoplasia in mice that is responsive to therapeutic JAK inhibition. Blood, 2013 Nov 21;122(22):3628-31. PMID: 24081659
Maxson JE, Gotlib J, Pollyea DA, Fleischman AG, Eide CA, Bottomly D, Wilmot B, McWeeney SK, Tognon CE, Pond JB, Collins RH, Deininger MW, Chang BH, Loriaux MM, Druker BJ, Tyner JW. Oncogenic CSF3R Mutations in Chronic Neutrophilic Leukemia and Atypical CML. New England Journal of Medicine, 2012 Vol. 368(19):1781-90. PMID: 23656643
Sanda T, Tyner JW, Gutierrez A, Ngo VN, Glover JM, Chang BH, Yost A, Ma W, Fleischman AG, Zhou W, Yang Y, Kleppe M, Ahn Y, Tatarek J, Kelliher MA, Neuber DS, Levine RL, Moriggl R, Müller M, Gray NS, Jamieson CHM, Weng AP, Staudt LM, Druker BJ, Look AT. TYK2-STAT1-BCL2 Pathway Dependence in T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Cancer Discovery, 2013 Vol. 3(5):564-577. PMID: 23471820
Fleischman AG, Maziarz RT. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Myelofibrosis: Where Are We Now? Current Opinion Hematology, 2013 Vol. 20(2):130-6. PMID: 23314844
Fleischman AG*, Agarwal A*, Petersen CL*, Mackenzie R, Luty SL, Loriaux M, Druker BJ, Woltjer RL, Deininger MW. *authors have equal contribution. Effects of Plerixafor in combination with tyrosine kinase inhibition in a murine model of CML. Blood, 2012 Vol 120(13):2658-68. PMID: 22889761
Fleischman AG, Tyner, JW. JAK2V617F down-modulates MPL. Blood, 2012 Vol. 119(20):4579-80. PMID: 22596167
Fleischman, AG. ALDH Marks Leukemic Stem Cells. Blood, 2012 Vol 119(15):3376-7. PMID: 21860020
Fleischman AG, Aichberger KJ, Luty SL, Bumm TG, Petersen CL, Dorototaj S, Vasudevan KB, LaTocha DH, Yang F, Press RD, Loriaux MM Pahl H, Silver RT, Druker BJ, Bagby GC, Deininger MW. Role of Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha in clonal evolution of JAK V617F positive myeloproliferative neoplasm. Blood, 2011 Vol 118 (24):6392-6398. PMID: 21860020
Bagby GC and Fleischman AG. The stem cell fitness landscape and pathways of molecular leukemogenesis. Front Biosci (Schol Ed), 2011 Jan 1;3:487-500. PMID: 21196392
Aichberger KJ, Fleischman AG, Deininger MW. Same mutation, different allele. Blood, 2009 Vol. 114(14), 3018-3023. PMID: 19797527
Hsu C-L*, King-Fleischman AG*, Lai AY, Matsumoto,Y, Weissman IL, Kondo M. *Authors contributed equally to this work. Antagonisitic action of C/EBPα and Pax5 in myeloid or lymphoid lineage choices in common lymphoid progenitors. PNAS, 2006 Vol 103, 672-677. PMID: 16407117
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Slupska MM., King AG, Fitz-Gibbon S., Besemer J, Borodovsky M, Miller JH: Leaderless transcripts of the crenarchael hyperthermophile Pyrobaculum aerophilum. J Mol Bio, 2001 Vol 309(2), 347-60. PMID: 11371158
Kondo M, Scherer DC, Miyamoto T, King AG, Akashi K, Sugamura K, Weissman IL: Cell-fate conversion of lymphoid-committed progenitors by instructive actions of cytokines. Nature, 2000 Sep 21;407(6802):383-6. PMID: 11014194
Slupska MM, King AG, Lu LI, Lin RH, Mao EF, Lackey CA, Chiang JH, Baikalov C, Miller JH.Examination of the role of DNA polymerase proofreading in the mutator effect of miscoding tRNAs. J Bacteriol. 1998 Vol 180(21),5712-7. PMID: 9791123